Contact me at
Some of the concerns that bring individuals and couples to my office:
- feelings of anxiety ,depression, stress, anger, shame
- shock trauma, relational violence, and chronic pain
- impact related to historical abuse in Residential schools.
- grief for the death or suicide of a loved one
- marital stress and conflict
- difficulty sustaining intimate relationships
- concerns with various kinds of addictions
- navigating current dark, dense energies in our world

Sylvia's home office in Gibsons, BC.
As of December 2022, I discontinued my registration with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors which I maintained for 20 years.
This means that if you have insurance it will no longer cover for my services through BCACC.
However, I am offering a sliding fee schedule to help
alleviate a portion of the cost for you.
Counseling services that may benefit you or someone you know:
One-on-one counseling for individuals interested in exploring their emotional pain and sorting out the chaos and hardship of living through a great paradigm shift in our world.
Aboriginal families, impact of genocidal trauma
Sylvia's counseling is informed by her Metis background and Indigenous Cultural Safety Training. This trauma work honors the layers of betrayal of trust experienced and acknowledges primary healing through Great Spirit. A sliding fee schedule is offered.
Somatic-based couples counseling for those who are interested in resolving marital conflicts and repairing relationship injuries. Addressing current and cherished values about human intimacy and self sovereignty.
A safe place to express concerns, address relationship issues, sense of self, sexual identity programming and clarification of purpose.
Facilitating enhancement of creativity, self-growth and unfettered expression for artists in various media. The courage to create is yours.
In person bereavement circle for grief, loss, and suicide. Maximum 4 participants.